Year-End Giving Checklist
For a tax deduction this year, have you...
Postmarked/mailed your check by Dec. 31st?
Made your online gift by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 31 Central Standard Time?
Sent your gift of stock by Dec. 31st? (Please contact Paul Howard at 314-421-3020 or for more info.)
Considered sending a tribute gift in honor of friends or family? They make great last-minute gifts!
How Does MY Gift Make an Impact
Helps Save Lives and Builds Faith and Hope
By rescuing the hurting and homeless and placing them in caring Christ-centered Community Safe Houses the homeless learn God loves them and has a plan for their lives.
Builds Individual Confidence, Self-Respect and a Sense of Self-worth.
Those women and men who enroll in New Life Evangelistic Center's On-the-Job Training Program are given responsibilities and vital training they can use in future employment, as they break the cycle of homelessness.
Empowers the Homeless
Homeless, broken individuals enrolling in the NLEC Leadership Training Programs are empowered by the love and Word of God to help other homeless people. They have opportunities to move into areas of leadership and learn the joy of helping others. Their broken spirits are healed and they realize there is hope, for Christ is Risen.
Have a wonderful holiday season!